
Yunistore is a location-based marketplace that connects vendors and customers in the same area. It allows customers to browse products online and enjoy the benefits of physical retail , such as product testing, customer support, and fast delivery. It also enables vendors to market and sell their products to a broader and more relevant audience. Yunistore is the future of shopping, combining the best of both worlds : online and offline.

Yunistore is live at Visit for demo. you will be signed in as demo user and won't be asked for location

Backend -

Backend of this application is a RESTful web service, built with Java 17, Spring Boot framework, and utilizes the Mysql database. It uses Spring Data JPA for data access, Spring Security for authorization, Spring Session for session management, Spring Cloud AWS for cloud integration, and JUnit Jupiter for testing. It also uses AWS SES for emails and AWS S3 for image storage.

Framework, Libraries and Services

Frontend -

Frontend of this application is a React WebApp, built with Bootstrap. It uses Formik for form validation, React Router DOM for navigation and TomTom API for map integration. It provides the frontend interface for the marketplace, allowing users to search, browse, buy and sell products. It communicates with the RESTful web service.

Framework, libraries and Services